Main Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Memory Verse: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men – Matthew 5:13.
Every Christian has been called by God to be a change agent and is therefore expected to play an active role in the transformation of the world. As agents of God’s transformation agenda, we have the divine mandate to influence every sphere of life (such as marriage and family, trade and commerce, the media and governance, etc.) with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God. Only in our pursuit of this mandate can we succeed in possessing the nations for Christ.
In the main text, Jesus uses two analogies to describe the roles Christians must play as we seek to transform the world. Today’s lesson shall focus on the first analogy, while we discuss the second one in the subsequent lesson.
Questions for Discussion
- ” How are Christians described in verse 13?
- ” What are some uses of salt?
- ” In what practical ways can Christians live or function as salt?
- ” Discuss how the role of Christians as salt can contribute to the transformation of society.
- ” Identify some factors or situations that make it difficult for today’s Christian to function as the salt of the world.
Salt has two main purposes. First, it is used to preserve certain foods like fish, meat, etc., which could easily go bad especially in the absence of refrigeration. Secondly, it is used to enhance the flavor of food.
Thus, for Christians to be referred to as the salt of the world implies that we have the mandate to preserve society from moral decadence by resisting ungodly behaviors such as bribery and corruption, sexual perversion, robbery, political vigilantism, injustice, etc. (Psalm 14:3, Rom. 8:8). We can achieve this by speaking boldly against these social vices, becoming examples by godly living, praying against evil manipulations in society, and interceding for the wellbeing of the nations (Jer. 29:7). Also, we must stand out as people who enhance the lives of others.
Where there is strife, confusion or conflict, we are to be peacemakers; where there are hurts, we are to help in binding up the wounds; and where there is hatred, we are to exemplify the love of God (Luke 6:35).
We must help to bring out the best in people and make societal life taste better.